COVID19 Re-Opening Guidelines

Updated 5/7/20

Our phone lines are open starting Wednesday, May 6 from 9:30am-1:30pm. However, email is still the best way to reach us.

With the Safer at Home restrictions being lifted, we're opening our doors Monday, May 11 from 9:30am-5:30pm. We are so looking forward to seeing you again.

Here are a few things we can do to help each other as we work to maintain the highest standard of service while ensuring the health and safety of our clients and staff:

  • We're offering curbside pickup of framing orders and art purchases. Just send us an email or give us a call and we can arrange to have your order ready at the door for an efficient handoff. We'll be offering this service moving forward until Social Distancing Restrictions are relaxed or removed.

  • We encourage you to make an appointment for any custom framing orders you'd like to drop off.

  • As required by the current reopening phase, the staff will be wearing masks both for our safety and yours.

  • It's not entirely possible to keep six feet of distance during transactions and custom framing design, but please stay aware of your distance from fellow shoppers; we'll offer friendly reminders when necessary.

  • Please allow us a few minutes between transactions to disinfect counters, computers, and tools, as well as to wash/sanitize our hands

We'll keep you updated on any changes to these precautions via email, on our blog, and across social media.

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